33. Hungarian Press Photo Exhibition in Capa Center

Nearly five hundred pictures, including the prize-winning photos of the 33rd Hungarian Press Photo Competition can be seen at the Hungarian Press Photo Exhibition from Friday until May 17 at the Robert Capa Centre for Contemporary Photography.
243 photographers, 2738 entries, a total of 7164 images entered to the competition which is launched by the Association of Hungarian Journalists, Photographers Section. International jury decided the best photos of thirteen category and a special prize – recalled Tamás Szigeti curator of the exhibition and secretary of the Press Photographers Division at the Thursday press conference.
As he added, the exhibition include the winning photos and a subjective curatorial selection, so 413 photos can be seen on the walls, while further 85 photos will be also projected. The exhibition follows the theme of the competition, however, does not distinguish between an individual and series of photos submitted – he noted.
“I wanted to show the photos in the press medium, which is probably the most feel at home” – said Tamás Szigeti, adding: layout and installation of the exhibition is therefore primarily refers to a printed newspaper.
Botond Kovats, Director of Communications at Canon Hungária Kft. talked about the accompanying exhibition supported by the Company. Unlike other aid agencies the Hungarian Red Cross is not taking part of the big, spectacular rescue missions, but helps every day, that’s why Canon asked Zófia Pályi to capture the organization’s work, presenting whom and how Red Cross is providing assistance – noted.
István Virágvölgyi, technical director of the Capa Center said that the institution has been opened at the end of 2013 and will host the exhibition for the second time, which they hope to find a permanent home in Nagymező Street.
Tárlatvezetés és előadás
Március 20-án, pénteken 18 órától Adrian Evans, a 33. Magyar Sajtófotó Pályázat zsűrielnöke, a Panos Pictures fotóügynökség igazgatója tart tárlatvezetést a 33. Magyar Sajtófotó Kiállításon. 19 órától a Panos Pictures jelenéről és jövőjéről tart előadást. A program angol nyelvű.
33rd Hungarian Press Photo Exhibition
March 20. 2015 – May 17.
Capa Center
1065 Budapest
Nagymező Street 8.
More info: http://capacenter.hu/kiallitasok/33-magyar-sajtofoto-kiallitas/
Press Photo website: www.sajto-foto.hu/